Satellite Site: Songpa, Seoul, South Korea (2023-08-19)
Shard Battle
18 (5 unscored)
Beacon Battle
Wave Number
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7
Ingress Ctrl - 15 July 2023
>> Score update 2023-07-15 >
Phase 1 @ 2023-07-15
Bandung, Indonesia
Rotenburg a.d. Fulda, Germany
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia [P]
Primary Site: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (2023-07-15)
Shard Battle
Beacon Battle
Wave Number
Wave 1
Wave 2
134 +20% = 160.8
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7
Satellite Site: Rotenburg a.d. Fulda, Germany (2023-07-15)
Shard Battle
15 (2 unscored)
33 (1 unscored)
Beacon Battle
Wave Number
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7
Satellite Site: Bandung, Indonesia (2023-07-15)
Shard Battle
Beacon Battle
Wave Number
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7
>> Original message 2023-06-19 >
Machina’s return during the Echo Anomaly Series appears connected to Ctrl. With more Agents reclaiming ex Machina Portals, NIA researchers have reason to believe Machina will grow more aggressive following sudden bursts in Agent activity, in particular following anomalous events. Akira Tsukasa lies at the heart of this Anomaly Series, which culminates with the Ctrl XM Anomaly in Kobe, JP.
An Enlightened victory will persuade Akira Tsukasa to meet with Roland Jarvis. A Resistance victory secures a rendezvous with Devra Bogdanovich.
NIA has detected anomalous readings that indicate a 3-Phase Ctrl Anomaly Series:
Phase 1: 15 Jul 2023
Primary Site: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Satellite Site: Bandung, Indonesia
Satellite Site: Rotenburg a.d. Fulda, Germany
Phase 2: 19 Aug 2023
Primary Site: Oslo, Norway
Satellite Site: Songpa, Seoul, South Korea
Satellite Site: Charleston, WV, USA
Ctrl Connected Ops: Global(Removed @ 10 Jul)
Phase 3: 16 Sep 2023
Primary Site: Kobe, Japan
Satellite Site: Reims, France
Satellite Site: Tacoma, WA, USA
Ctrl Connected Ops: Global(Removed @ 10 Jul)
Ctrl Anomaly Series Scoring
The Faction winning more scoring points from the 9 Anomaly sites and 2 Ctrl Connected Ops(Removed @ 10 Jul) will capture the Ctrl Anomaly.
Each Primary Site will be worth a total of 600 scoring points:
300 scoring points from Anomaly Zone Battle Beacons
300 scoring points from Anomaly Zone Flash Shards
Each Satellite Site will be worth a total of 200 scoring points:
100 scoring points from Anomaly Zone Battle Beacons
100 scoring points from Anomaly Zone Flash Shards
Each Ctrl Connected Ops will be worth a total of 200 scoring points.(Removed @ 10 Jul)
NIA Procedure for Anomaly Zone Battle Beacons
The 3-hour period from 14:00 to 17:00 local time will be divided into 7 waves of Rare Battle Beacons across the Anomaly Zone. Please note that these times are approximate and may vary slightly:
Battle Beacon Wave 1 - 14:00-14:25
Battle Beacon W2 - 14:25-14:50
Battle Beacon W3 - 14:50-15:15
Battle Beacon W4 - 15:15-15:40
Battle Beacon W5 - 15:40-16:05
Battle Beacon W6 - 16:05-16:30
Battle Beacon W7 - 16:30-16:55
Rare Battle Beacons will be deployed by NIASection14. A subset of Anomaly Zone Portals will be activated as Volatile Portals that are high-value targets worth 3X more points.
Anomaly Zone Portals will be ornamented before and during the Anomaly.
Each non-Volatile Battle Beacon is worth a total of 2+3+4=9 Points and is not affected by Category Score. For example, if the Enlightened captures Checkpoint 1 and the Resistance captures Checkpoints 2 and 3 of a non-Volatile Battle Beacon, the battle result will be ENL 2, RES 7.
Each Volatile Battle Beacon is worth a total of 6+9+12=27 Points and is not affected by Category Score. For example, if the Enlightened captures Checkpoint 1 and the Resistance captures Checkpoints 2 and 3 of a Volatile Battle Beacon, the battle result will be ENL 6, RES 21.
The final raw score for each Faction will be its maximum score from any of the Beacon Battle Waves during the Anomaly Period, after any boost or discount applied by the winning Faction of Urban Ops. 100 or 300 scoring points will be distributed proportionally between the Factions, based on their final raw score.
As an example, at an Anomaly where the 7 Beacon Battle Waves result in the following, with the ENL winning Urban Ops and choose to boost the ENL score at Wave 5:
Wave Number
Wave 1
ENL: 250
RES: 200
Wave 2
ENL: 315
RES: 100
Wave 3
ENL: 100
RES: 250
Wave 4
ENL: 100
RES: 300
Wave 5
ENL: 250 +20% = 300
RES: 200
Wave 6
ENL: 300
RES: 100
Wave 7
ENL: 100
RES: 350
The maximum Enlightened score of 315 Points would be paired against the maximum Resistance score of 350 Points.
The final score pairing would then be ENL: 315 to RES: 350, and for a Satellite site the 100 scoring points distributed to the two Factions would be 47 to the Enlightened and 53 to the Resistance, while for a Primary site the 300 scoring points distributed to the two Factions would be 142 to the Enlightened and 158 to the Resistance.
NIA Procedure for Anomaly Zone Flash Shards
The number of Target Portals per Faction manifesting at 13:59 local time during an Anomaly Zone will depend on the expected XM intensity. In Anomaly Zones with 4 Target Portals per Faction, a total of 20 Shards will appear in batches of 2. Each Shard is worth either 5 scoring points for a Satellite Site or 15 scoring points for a Primary Site. In Anomaly Zones with 10 Target Portals per Faction, a total of 50 Shards will appear in batches of 5. Each Shard is worth either 2 scoring points for a Satellite Site or 6 scoring points for a Primary Site.
The first five (5) Shards secured on a Faction’s Target Portal will be scored in full for that Faction, regardless of which Faction controlled the Portal at the time of the Shard landing. Any additional Shards secured after the fifth Shard on a given Target Portal are scored at zero (0) scoring points.
Shards and Target Portals will be scheduled as follows (local time):
At 13:59, all Target Portals will materialize
Starting at 14:06, batches of Shards will materialize at 15 minutes intervals
Starting at 14:09, all Shards will begin traveling along eligible Links approximately every 10 minutes. Note: there may be extra Shard Movements inserted by the winning Faction of Stealth Ops
The last Shard Movement will occur at approximately 16:59
All Shards and Target Portals will dematerialize around 18:00
Shard Behavior Pattern
Shards will look like this:
Enlightened Target Portals will look like this:
Resistance Target Portals will look like this:
Both Shards and Target Portals will only materialize on identified Anomaly Zone Portals; however, Shards can travel along Links to any Portal.
Target Portals and Shards may spawn anywhere within the Anomaly Zone
Shards will only travel along Links connecting two Portals of L4 or higher.
If multiple viable Links exist, a Shard may travel on any one of those Links. If multiple Shards are present on a Portal, they may each travel along different Links. Shards will not return or backtrack to a Portal they were previously located on within the past 25 minutes.
In the event that a Shard has not traveled along any Link within the past 25 minutes, it may randomly teleport to a nearby Portal at the next Movement Window.
Shards will stop traveling and will remain locked once they reach a Target Portal, regardless of any change in Faction ownership of the Target Portal.
If a Shard movement is found to have been the result of actions by a rogue Agent, NIA Ops may return the Shard to a previous location.
NIA Procedure for Ctrl Connected Ops
The following list of ten (10) Agent Ops will be made available to every Ingress Agent from 00:00 to 23:59 local time at Phase 2 and Phase 3:
M1 - Capture 1k MU
F1 - Create 1 Control Field
M2 - Capture 50k MU
F2 - Create 50 Control Fields
M3 - Capture 150k MU
F3 - Create 150 Control Fields
M4 - Capture 500k MU
F4 - Create 500 Control Fields
M5 - Capture 1.5mil MU
F5 - Create 1,500 Control Fields
Each Agent completing each Agent Ops in the list above earns their Faction 1 raw point. 200 scoring points will be distributed proportionally between the Factions, based on their total raw point.
Faction Change of Individual Agent
Raw points earned by each individual Agent will go to the Faction they align to at the end of each Ctrl Connected Ops.
For example, an Enlightened Agent earned 9 raw points by completing 9 Agent Ops in the list in Phase 2. Subsequently in Phase 3, they earned 4 raw points before changing from Enlightened to Resistance, and earned another 3 raw points before Phase 3 ended. In Phase 3, all 7 raw points this Agent earned will be aligned to the Resistance. However, the 9 raw points they earned in Phase 2 still belong to the Enlightened.
Note: completing Ctrl Connected Ops only does NOT earn an Agent any Anomaly medal. Please refer to the section below for obtaining the Ctrl Anomaly medal.(Removed @ 10 Jul)
Ctrl Anomaly Series medal
Any Agent who has interacted with 5 or more NIASection14-deployed Battle Beacons to Ctrl Anomaly Zones will earn the in-app Ctrl medal. Agents are considered interacting with a Battle Beacon if they:
Deploy or Upgrade Resonator (note: upgrading one’s own Resonators does not count)
Attack or Destroy Resonator
Destroy Portal Mod
Destroy Link
Recharge Resonator (note: this includes Remote Recharge)
This medal will be awarded after an Agent has reached 5 qualifying Battle Beacon interactions. Agents who have already earned the in-app Ctrl medal in an earlier event phase or site will not receive a second Ctrl medal.
An Ctrl Agent Stat will be added to your Agent Profile for the duration of the Ctrl Anomaly Series to help you monitor your individual progress.
Linking under Fields
Links shorter than 8km in length can be created under Fields during the following periods:
from Friday, 14 Jul 2023 1700 UTC to Monday, 17 Jul 2023 1700 UTC
from Friday, 18 Aug 2023 1700 UTC to Monday, 21 Aug 2023 1700 UTC
from Friday, 15 Sep 2023 1700 UTC to Monday, 18 Sep 2023 1700 UTC
Additional On-site events
Primary Site: Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia [P]
Fri, 14 Jul 2023 to Sun, 16 Jul 2023- The mobile research lab NL-1331X Portal at [Location TBD]
Successfully hacking the “NL-1331” Portal during announced time range will earn 1 increment on the “NL-1331 Meetups” medal. Please note that this is not pushed upon hacking; the NL-1331 Meetups medal will be granted within 1 week of the event.
What is OPR Live
Successfully registering via the form to be shared by the Wayfarer team with a weekly “OPR Agreements” of 50 or above, and hacking the “NL-1331” Portal during this weekend as announced, will earn 1 increment on the “OPR Live” medal. Please note that this is not pushed upon hacking and registering; the “OPR Live” medal will be granted within 1 week of the event.
What is NIA TKO Stealth Ops
Ticketed events hosted by GORUCK, consist of competitive physicality challenges. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn 1 increment on the “Stealth Ops” medal.
Faction-based Anomaly Benefits:
The winning Faction of Stealth Ops at a particular site has the right to insert 2 additional Shard Movement Windows to the defined Flash Shard Battle of that site. POCs of the winning Faction must inform the NIA of the hour-minute (hh:mm) of their choices before 12:00 noon of the Anomaly day to exercise this right. Their choices will be accepted as long as they do not overlap with any item on the defined procedure, are between 14:10 and 16:58 inclusive, more than 5 minutes apart, and agreed unanimously amongst all POCs of the winning Faction. Their choices will not be communicated to any member of the other Faction by the NIA, with the exception of NIA staff, on a need-to-know basis.
A number of Intel Packets consist of a location on which Shards of that site will spawn and their respective spawn time will be awarded at the Stealth Ops cadre’s discretion. A Faction having 20 Agents in its Stealth Ops team is guaranteed one Intel Packets. Other Intel Packets are likely to be awarded based on the team’s performance in a particular challenge.
Example of Stealth Ops challenges:
Fixed-leg relay race of various endurance exercises
Team loads / Casualty Carry
Trivia question contest
The GORUCK Spearhead logo field-art contest
Portal capture race within designated area
Glyph sequence formation
What is NIA TKO Urban Ops
Ticketed events hosted by GORUCK, consist of competitive physicality challenges. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn 1 increment on the “Urban Ops” medal.
Faction-based Anomaly Benefits:
The winning Faction of Urban Ops at a particular site has the right to discount or boost the Beacon Battle raw score of either Faction at one Wave of their choice by 20%. POCs of both Factions must inform the NIA of the Faction and Wave Number of their choice before 14:00 local time of the Anomaly day to exercise this right should their Faction win the Urban Ops. Their choice will be accepted as long as the Faction name and Wave number are valid, and is agreed unanimously amongst all POCs of their respective Faction. Their choice will not be communicated to any member of the other Faction by the NIA before the end of battle, with the exception of NIA staff, on a need-to-know basis.
A number of Intel Packets consist of a location on which Shards of that site will spawn and their respective spawn time will be awarded at the Urban Ops cadre’s discretion. A Faction having 20 Agents in its Urban Ops team is guaranteed one Intel Packets. Other Intel Packets are likely to be awarded based on the team’s performance in a particular challenge.
Example of Urban Ops challenges:
Fixed-leg relay race of various endurance exercises
Team loads / Casualty Carry
Trivia question contest
Glyph sequence formation
What is Operation Clear Field
Ticketed service-themed scavenger hunt with competitive Ingress exploration, hosted by GORUCK. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn 1 increment on the “Operation Clear Field” medal.
What is the Ingress Mission Day
Registration-free, verification-free, and ticket-free. Complete 6 or more “MD 2023: <City Name>” Mission Day missions from 00:00 to 23:59 to earn 1 increment on the “Mission Day” medal. The Mission Day medal increment is automatic after completing 6 of such missions. You can use the “NIA” mission filter to view nearby official missions.
Join your Faction
Sign up with your Faction’s Team Leads at each site for collaborated gameplay and more info:
PSA: If you will be leading your local Faction community at an upcoming Anomaly site in 2023 (i.e. all 18 Ctrl and Discoverie sites) but have yet to get in touch with the NIA, please talk to an Ingress Vanguard or any Agent who had liaised with NIA during a past Ingress event to get referred to a member of the Ingress team.
Available in the In-game Ingress Store
The 15 Jul 2023 weekend
The “1 ADA Refactor and 1 JARVIS Virus (3,000 CMU)” bundle will be available on the Ingress Store for unlimited purchase Starting 15 Jul 2023 for 2 weeks
Limited-time Ctrl Loadout Kit with Stein Lightman 2023 medal (30,800 CMU)
Limited-time Ctrl Loadout Kit with Niantic Project Archives re-release of the Stein Lightman 2019 medal (30,800 CMU).
The 19 Aug 2023 weekend
The “1 ADA Refactor and 1 JARVIS Virus (3000 CMU)” bundle will be available on the Ingress Store for unlimited purchase Starting 19 Aug 2023 for 2 weeks
Limited-time Ctrl Loadout Kit with Martin Schubert 2023 medal (30,800 CMU)
Limited-time Ctrl Loadout Kit with Niantic Project Archives re-release of the Martin Schubert 2019 medal (30,800 CMU).
The 16 Sep 2023 weekend
The “1 ADA Refactor and 1 JARVIS Virus (3000 CMU)” bundle will be available on the Ingress Store for unlimited purchase Starting 16 Sep 2023 for 2 weeks
Limited-time Ctrl Loadout Kit with Yuri Nagassa 2023 medal (30,800 CMU)
Limited-time Ctrl Loadout Kit with Akira Tsukasa 2023 medal (30,800 CMU)
As always, please remember to be aware of your surroundings. We encourage players to follow local health and safety guidelines when playing Ingress. For the latest on in-game events and feature updates, be sure to check Ingress News.