The NIA has studied the impact of allowing longer Links under Fields throughout the Discoverie Anomaly Series. Agents’ local activities obviously differ across Regional Cells and depend on multiple factors, but upon reviewing global activity, we have decided to increase the maximum Link under Field distance from 500 meters to 2,000 meters until further notice.
This updated 2,000-meter Link under Field distance will also be in effect during upcoming Global Challenges, Operations, and Anomaly events (this distance will not increase from 2,000 meters to 8,000 meters, like it did during the 2023 Anomaly Series).
All other preconditions still apply; for example Links cannot cross existing Links, a Portal must be fully deployed with eight Resonators to link to or from, and maximum Link distance depends on Resonators’ level of the originating Portal. Links created under Fields will also continue to count Mind Units (MU) towards the Cell’s Regional Score.
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— Ingress