From April to June, Agents can take part in the Buried Memories Anomaly Season, competing across multiple Events to earn the most Season Points for their Faction.
In addition, by taking part in these Events, Agents will be able to earn one or more of the Buried Memories Agent Profile medals.
Early intelligence suggests that the Faction that wins the Buried Memories Season will affect a ritual reaching far into the past.
April 05 2024: Initial Publication April 05 2024: Fix typo in Global Link and Field Op scoring for 20-400 MU. April 11 2024: Clarify Immunity Period change and Anomaly Site Flash Shard procedure April 16 2024: 25 APAC Shard Skirmish Locations April 23 2024: Add Immunity Instability Hash for Shard Skirmish (APAC) May 01 2024: 25 EMEA Shard Skirmish Locations May 08 2024: Naha on-site events May 14 2024: Add Naha Mission Day Map, add Immunity Instability Hash for Naha and Chicago May 29 2024: 25 AMER Shard Skirmish Locations June 4 2024: Add Immunity Instability Hash for Shard Skirmish (AMER), Kuching and Budapest June 24 2024: Added clarification to Bonus event and 2X AP 2sDay
The Buried Memories Anomaly Season consists of three components:
Global Link and Field Op
Where: Global When: 12 Apr 2024 (Fri) 1600 UTC to 6 May 2024 (Mon) 1600 1800 UTC. (🗓️)
Agents around the world can participate in this Global Operation, which will involve creating and destroying Links and Fields (with Bonus points for Collaboration and Field scale) during the dates listed above.
By achieving specific point milestones, Agents will be able to earn the Buried Memories Operation medal (at either a Bronze or Silver tier), and also contribute to their Faction’s Season goal. The Faction with a greater number of medal recipients will gain an advantage towards their Season Score.
For more details about how to participate in this Global Operation, see the associated section below.
Shard Skirmishes
Where and When:
On 27 Apr (Sat), 16:00 to 17:00 local time at 25 APAC (Asia, Pacific) locations. (🗓️)
On 11 May (Sat), 16:00 to 17:00 local time at 25 EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) locations. (🗓️)
On 8 Jun (Sat), 16:00 to 17:00 local time at 25 AMER (Americas) locations. (🗓️)
The exact sites will be revealed approximately ten (10) days prior to their event date.
At these events, Agents can take part in a one hour-long operation to move Shards along Links. By traversing Shards greater than a defined minimum distance, Points will be scored towards a Faction’s Season Score. By interacting with Battle Beacons and Hacking Portals where Shards are currently present, Agents will be able to gain the Buried Memories Anomaly medal.
For more details about how to participate in Shard Sites, see the associated section below.
The weekend of 15 Jun, at two sites: Kuching (📍, 🗓️) and Budapest (📍, 🗓️).
At these Sites, Agents can take part in multiple score-based competitive operations, such as Urban and Stealth Ops, Portal Battles and Shard Operations. The outcome of these events will contribute to a Faction’s Season Score. (Urban Ops and Stealth Ops availability may vary site to site). Interacting with Battle Beacons at Anomaly sites will enable Agents to earn the Buried Memories Anomaly medal.
For more details about how to participate in Anomalies, see the associated section below.
Buried Memories Anomaly Season Scoring
The final outcome of the Buried Memories Anomaly Season will be based on the total Season Score accrued by each Faction from all of the above components, and the Faction with the higher final score will claim the Season.
For more details about how each component will contribute to the Season Score, see the associated sections for each component below.
Events Map
Pending updates:
on approximately April 17th, 2024: 25 APAC Shard Skirmish Locations
on approximately May 1, 2024: 25 EMEA Shard Skirmish Locations
on approximately May 29, 2024: 25 AMER Shard Skirmish Locations
Global Link and Field Op Details
This Operation will begin on 12 Apr 2024 (Fri) at 1600 UTC and will conclude on 6 May 2024 (Mon) at 1600 1800 UTC. (🗓️)
During the Operation window above, a metric, ‘Buried Memories Global OP Points,’ will become visible on all Agents’ Profile screens.
This Metric will track Agents individual scores, as they earn points for performing the following actions:
Destroying one Link: 1 Point
Creating one Link: 2 Points
Destroying one Field: 4 Points
Creating one Field: 4 Points + Bonus Points
Bonus Points based on Field MU:
These Points are awarded based on the MU of a created Field.
<20 MU: 1 Point x Collaboration Multiplier
20-400 MU: 2 Points x Collaboration Multiplier
401-40000 MU: 4 Points x Collaboration Multiplier
> 40000 MU: 5 Points x Collaboration Multiplier
Bonus Points based on Collaboration:
These bonuses are awarded when more than one Agent is involved in the creation of a Field (based on unique Link owners).
2 unique Agents collaborating on Field (2 owners over 3 Links): 2x multiplier of MU bonus
3 unique Agents collaborating on Field (3 owners over 3 Links): 3x multiplier of MU bonus.
Field Creation (and associated Bonus points) will be awarded to all Agents who contributed a Link towards the Field.
To achieve the Bronze tier Season Operation Medal, an Agent must earn at least 1000 Points during the Operation Window. To achieve a Silver tier Season Operation Medal, an Agent must earn at least 10000 Points during the Operation Window.
200 Season Points will be allocated proportionally based on the number of Agents who earn one of the two Season Operation Medals. Agents who earn the Silver Tier will be worth 10x the value of Bronze tier Agents in this proportional allocation, and the score will be rounded to 1 decimal place.
Results will be announced within 1 week after the Global Op concludes in a dedicated Season Score updates post on
At Buried Memories: Shard Skirmishes, Agents will engage in an hour-long Shard based operation. 13 Shards will manifest in multiple waves, and Agents will face the challenge of moving each of these Shards a distance greater than 250m in one jump. Shards that make a jump of this length will be scored for the Faction that created the Link the Shard jumps on, earning 0.5 points per Shard.
Participating in these Events will allow Agents an opportunity to earn the Buried Memories Anomaly medal.
These operations will take place at 16:00 Local Time in 75 cities across April, May and June.
Each Skirmish will contribute up to 6.5 points towards the Season Score, based on the number of Shards scored.
Ten days prior to the Shard Skirmish, an Ornamented Portal will manifest within a chosen city, marking the Centerpoint of the operation.
48 hours prior to manifestation of Shards, 13 Portals will become Ornamented, marking locations where Shards are expected to manifest. These Ornaments will be color-coded based on the three (3) Waves in which Shards will manifest.
These Portals will be within an approximately 5km radius of the Centerpoint.
Shards will manifest in three (3) Waves, and each Wave of Shards will make one Jump before de-manifesting. An exception to this is the final wave of Shards, which will remain at their final location for 4 hours following the conclusion of the event.
Any Shard that is able to travel a Link >= 250m in length will be scored for the Faction that owns the Link the Shard traveled on.
Following their jump opportunity, a Wave’s Shards will de-manifest, and the next Wave’s Shards will manifest.
The final Season Score impact of a day’s Shard Skirmishes will be published shortly after completion of the day’s final events. Each scored Shard will be worth 0.5 Season Points for the Faction that scored it.
Agents can earn the Buried Memories Anomaly medal by interacting locally with Rare Battle Beacons deployed by NIASection14 on the Shard Spawn Portals approximately 18 minutes before the planned Shard Jump. Agents may also earn the Buried Memories Anomaly medal by hacking any Portal where a Shard is present. The final wave of Shards will remain present for four hours past the conclusion of the event.
Interacting with the Battle Beacons and Hacking the Shard Portals will earn Agents 5 points towards the Buried Memories Agent Stat, thus earning them the Buried Memories Anomaly medal.
In this context, “locally” means that Remote Recharge will not be counted as ‘interacting’ with a Battle Beacon.
Shard visuals and behaviors will match those of Anomaly Sites.
Portal Immunity for ADA Refactors and Jarvis Viruses will experience instability globally during Shard Skirmish and Anomaly windows. See section below for more details.
Anomaly Site Procedure & Scoring
Each Anomaly Site will be worth a total of 200 Season Points:
93 Season Points from Anomaly Zone Event: Battle Beacons
93 Season Points from Anomaly Zone Event: Flash Shards
7 Season Points from Stealth Ops attached to respective Site
7 Season Points from Urban Ops attached to respective Site
These Season Points will be allotted based on the Factions’ performance during each of the On-Site Anomaly Events or special Ops.
In the event of site/phase cancellations, the site/phase will have no impact on the Season Score.
Portal Immunity for ADA Refactors and Jarvis Viruses will experience instability globally during Shard Skirmish and Anomaly windows. See section below for more details.
Anomaly Zone Event: Battle Beacons Procedure & Scoring
A three hour Portal Battle will take place at Anomaly Zone Portals using NIA deployed Rare Battle Beacons. Anomaly Zone Portals will be ornamented before and during the Anomaly.
The Final Score of the Portal Battle will be used to proportionally divide the 93 Season Points available, rounded to one decimal place.
The 3-hour period from 14:00 to 17:00 local time will be divided into 6 waves of Rare Battle Beacons deployments. These times are approximate and may vary slightly:
Battle Beacon Wave 1 - 14:00 - 14:30
Battle Beacon Wave 2 - 14:30 - 15:00
Battle Beacon Wave 3 - 15:00 - 15:30
Battle Beacon Wave 4 - 15:30 - 16:00
Battle Beacon Wave 5 - 16:00 - 16:30
Battle Beacon Wave 6 - 16:30 - 17:00
Rare Battle Beacons will be deployed by NIASection14. A subset of Anomaly Zone Portals will be activated as Volatile Portals that are high-value targets worth 3x that of the non-Volatile ones.
Battle Beacons are scored across three (3) checkpoints, three (3) minutes apart. Each checkpoint contributes a score towards that Battle Beacon’s final score, and the score contribution increases at each checkpoint.
Each non-Volatile Battle Beacon is worth a total of 2+3+4=9 Beacon Points. Category Classification will have no impact. For example, if the Enlightened captures Checkpoint 1 and the Resistance captures Checkpoints 2 and 3 of a non-Volatile Battle Beacon, the battle result will be ENL 2, RES 7 (3+4).
Each Volatile Battle Beacon is worth a total of 6+9+12=27 Beacon Points. Category Classification will have no impact.. For example, if the Enlightened captures Checkpoint 1 and the Resistance captures Checkpoints 2 and 3 of a Volatile Battle Beacon, the battle result will be ENL 6, RES 21 (9+12).
The final score for each Faction in the Portal Battle will be its maximum score from any of the Beacon Battle Waves during the Anomaly Period. 93 Season Points will be distributed proportionally between the Factions, based on their final raw score.
As an example, at an Anomaly where the six Beacon Battle Waves result in the following:
Wave Number
Wave 1
ENL: 250
RES: 200
Wave 2
ENL: 315
RES: 100
Wave 3
ENL: 100
RES: 250
Wave 4
ENL: 100
RES: 300
Wave 5
ENL: 300
RES: 100
Wave 6
ENL: 100
RES: 350
In this example,the maximum Enlightened score of 315 Beacon Points would be paired against the maximum Resistance score of 350 Beacon Points.
These two values (315 and 350) would then be used to proportionally divide the Season Points available for this event among the two Factions, resulting at 44.1 to the Enlightened and 48.9 to the Resistance. These scores are rounded to one decimal place.
Anomaly Zone Event: Flash Shards Procedure & Scoring
At each Anomaly Zone, 4 Target Portals per Faction and 6 waves of 13 Shards each will manifest.
The first four (4) Shards secured, per wave, on a Faction’s Target Portal will score 1 Points per Shard for that Faction, regardless of which Faction controlled the Target Portal at the time of the Shard landing. Any additional Shards secured after the fourth Shard on a given Target Portal are worth zero (0) Points.
Shards and Target Portals will be scheduled as follows (local time):
At 13:59, all Target Portals will materialize
Starting at 14:06, batches of 13 Shards will materialize at 30 minutes intervals
Starting at 14:15, all Shards will begin traveling along eligible Links approximately every 10 minutes. 4. Each wave of Shards will make 3 jumps before demanifesting.
Each wave of Shards may make up to 3 jumps before demanifesting, if possible based on Link configuration.
All Shards from a Wave will demanifest approximately 30 minutes after they first manifest, whether they are on a Target Portal or not.
The final Wave of Shards will manifest at approximately 16:36 5. 7. The last Shard Movement will occur at approximately 17:05 6. 8. All Shards and Target Portals will dematerialize around 18:00
During each wave of Shards, Factions will attempt to capture as many Shards as possible on their Target Portals, taking into account that Shards in excess of 4 on a Target Portal have no value.
The final raw score for each Faction in the Flash Shard Battle will be its maximum score from any of the Shard Waves during the Anomaly Period. 93 Season Points will be distributed proportionally between the Factions, rounded to one decimal place, based on their final raw scores.
As an example, at an Anomaly where the six Flash Shard Waves result in the following:
Wave Number
Wave 1
ENL: 2
RES: 4
Wave 2
ENL: 10
RES: 1
Wave 3
ENL: 5
RES: 6
Wave 4
ENL: 3
RES: 4
Wave 5
ENL: 5
RES: 6
Wave 6
ENL: 2
RES: 8
In this example,the maximum Enlightened score of 10 Scored Shards would be paired against the maximum Resistance score of 8 Scored Shards.
These two values (10 and 8) would then be used to proportionally divide the Season Points available for this event among the two Factions, resulting at 51.7 to the Enlightened and 41.3 to the Resistance. These scores are rounded to one decimal place.
Shard Behavior Pattern
Shards will look like this:
Enlightened Target Portals will look like this:
Resistance Target Portals will look like this:
Both Shards and Target Portals will only materialize on identified Anomaly Zone Portals; however, Shards can travel along Links to any Portal.
Target Portals and Shards may spawn anywhere within the Anomaly Zone
Shards will only travel along Links connecting two Portals of L4 or higher.
If multiple viable Links exist, a Shard may travel on any one of those Links. If multiple Shards are present on a Portal, they may each travel along different Links. Shards will not return or backtrack to a Portal they were previously located on within the past 25 minutes.
In the event that a Shard has not traveled along any Link within the past 25 minutes, it may randomly teleport to a nearby Portal at the next Movement Window.
Shards will stop traveling and will remain locked once they reach a Target Portal, regardless of any change in Faction ownership of the Target Portal.
If a Shard movement is found to have been the result of actions by a rogue Agent, NIA Ops may return the Shard to a previous location.
Stealth Ops & Urban Ops Scoring
At a Stealth Ops or an Urban Ops, the cadre will run a number of Faction-vs-Faction challenges. Seven (7) Season Points will be allocated proportionally based on the number of challenges each Faction won during the respective Ops. Challenges ended up in a tie will not be taken into point allocation.
Buried Memories Anomaly medal
There are two (2) ways an Agent may earn the in-app Buried Memories Anomaly medal:
from an Anomaly Site,
from a Shard Skirmish.
Earning Anomaly medal from an Anomaly Site Any Agent who has interacted with five (5) or more NIASection14-deployed Battle Beacons in an Anomaly Zones will earn the in-app Anomaly medal after those Battle Beacons end. Agents are considered interacting with a Battle Beacon if they:
Deploy or Upgrade Resonator (note: upgrading one’s own Resonators does not count)
Attack or Destroy Resonator
Destroy Portal Mod
Destroy Link
Recharge Resonator (note: this includes Remote Recharge)
This medal will be awarded after an Agent has reached five (5) qualifying Battle Beacon interactions after the Battle Beacons end. Agents who have already earned the in-app Anomaly medal in an earlier event phase or site will not receive a second Anomaly medal.
A Buried Memories Agent Stat will be added to your Agent Profile for the duration of the Buried Memories Anomaly Season to help you monitor your individual progress.
Earning Anomaly medal from a Shard Skirmish Any Agent who has interacted locally with one (1) or more NIASection14-deployed Battle Beacons to a Shard’s spawn Portal of Shards will earn 5 Points towards the Buried Memories Agent Stat and thereby the Buried Memories Anomaly medal. Such Battle Beacons will be deployed approximately 18 minutes prior to the Shard jump time associated with that Portal. In addition, by Hacking any Portal where a Shard is currently present, an Agent will earn 5 Points towards the Buried Memories Agent Stat, also earning the Buried Memories Anomaly medal. The final wave of Shards at a Shard Skirmish site will remain present following the last jump for a period of approximately four (4) hours.
Agents are considered interacting with a Battle Beacon locally if they:
Deploy or Upgrade Resonator (note: upgrading one’s own Resonators does not count)
Attack or Destroy Resonator
Destroy Portal Mod
Destroy Link
Recharge Resonator locally (within 40m) (note: Remote Recharge does NOT qualify)
Portal Immunity Instability Details
During both Shard Skirmishes and Anomalies, immunity times for ADA Refactors and Jarvis Viruses will experience instability.
Immunity time instability will affect all Portals, globally, during the time period it is active.
On Shard Skirmish days, the instability will begin approximately one hour prior to the beginning of Shard Jumps at the first site of the day, and will conclude approximately one hour after the end of Shard Jumps at the last site of the day.
On Anomaly days, the instability will begin approximately one hour prior to the beginning of Anomaly Battle Beacons activities at the first site of the day, and will end approximately one hour after the conclusion of Anomaly Battle Beacons activities at the last site of the day.
During the instability windows identified above, Immunity times will vary between 5 and 55 minutes, and this random time will change approximately every 30 minutes. When a Portal flip is attempted using a Jarvis Virus or ADA Refactor, the time of the last flip will be compared to the current immunity time, which may be different from the immunity time when the last flip was performed.
The immunity times for ADA Refactors and Jarvis Viruses will always be equivalent during the instability windows.
Neither Faction will be aware of the time or duration of changes in Immunity in advance, and no mechanic will exist to allow a Faction advance knowledge of this information (eg. media, passcode, dead-drop intel or special Ops reward).
A list of all Immunity time changes, both the time at which the change was made, and the duration it was changed to, will be published following the conclusion of a day’s events. A hash of that list will be published in advance.
Successfully hacking the “NL-1331” Portal during announced time range will earn one (1) increment on the “NL-1331 Meetups” medal. Please note that this is not pushed upon hacking; the NL-1331 Meetups medal will be granted within one (1) week of the event.
What is NIA TKO Stealth Ops
Ticketed events hosted by GORUCK, consist of competitive physicality challenges. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn one (1) increment on the “Stealth Ops” medal within one (1) week of the event.. In proportion to challenges each Faction wins during Stealth Ops, the two Factions will share seven (7) Season Points. In the rare event of all challenges ending up in a tie, each Faction will receive 3.5 Season Points. Example of Stealth Ops challenges:
Fixed-leg relay race of various endurance exercises
Team loads / Casualty Carry
Trivia question contest
The GORUCK Spearhead logo field-art contest
Portal capture race within designated area
Glyph sequence formation
What is NIA TKO Urban Ops
Ticketed events hosted by GORUCK, consist of competitive physicality challenges. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn one (1) increment on the “Urban Ops” medal within one (1) week of the event.. In proportion to challenges each Faction wins during Urban Ops, the two Factions will share seven (7) Season Points. In the rare event of all challenges ending up in a tie, each Faction will receive 3.5 Season Points. Example of Urban Ops challenges:
Fixed-leg relay race of various endurance exercises
Team loads / Casualty Carry
Trivia question contest
Glyph sequence formation
What is Operation Clear Field
Ticketed service-themed scavenger hunt with competitive Ingress exploration, hosted by GORUCK. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn one (1) increment on the “Operation Clear Field” medal.
What is the Ingress Mission Day
Registration-free, verification-free, and ticket-free. Complete six (6) or more “MD 2024: <City Name>” Mission Day missions from 00:00 to 23:59 to earn one (1) increment on the “Mission Day” medal. The Mission Day medal increment is automatic after completing six (6) of such missions. You can use the “NIA” mission filter to view nearby official missions. In the event that Mission Day missions are live in advance, Agents may attempt these missions but will not earn any Mission Day medal increment. To earn the increment, Agents will have to complete or re-complete 6 of such missions during Sunday.
Join your Faction at an Anomaly Site
Sign up with your Faction’s Team Leads at each site for collaborated gameplay and more info:
PSA: If you will be leading your local Faction community at an upcoming Anomaly site in 2024 but have yet to get in touch with the NIA, please talk to an Ingress Vanguard or any Agent who had liaised with NIA during a past Ingress event to get referred to a member of the Ingress team. Alternatively, fill this form.
Buried Memories Bonus Week
From Friday, 21 June 2024, 16:00 UTC to Monday, 1 July 2024, 16:00 UTC, the following bonus will be in effect:
All actions will yield 1.331x AP
Hacks on friendly Portals will yield 1.331x amount of gear
Bonus Week bonus AP does not stack on top of or in addition to 2X AP 2sday (which specifically grants 2X AP on Tuesdays from 4:00PM to 9:00PM local time). Bonus Week does not grant 2.662X AP during 2X AP 2sday; it’s specifically 2X AP during 2X AP 2sday.
Please note however that using Apex will continue to stack during 2X AP 2sday and grant 4X AP while Apex is active, from 4:00PM to 9:00PM local time.
Available in the In-game Ingress Store
From 17 May 2024 to 30 June 2024
Limited-time Buried Memories Loadout Kit with Jahan 2024 medal (30,800 CMU)
Limited-time Buried Memories Loadout Kit with Jack Norman 2024 medal (30,800 CMU)
Limited-time Buried Memories Supporter Medal Kit with Buried Memories: Supporter medal (30,800 CMU)